Special Articles

Monday, June 22, 2015

Songs We Sing In Bible Class #7

Time goes by so quickly! It is hard to believe that it has almost been a year since there has been an addition to Songs We Sing In Bible Class. Hopefully, you will find these of benefit to you and your students.

Thank you for the rain! Thank you for the rain! 
The rain comes from above.
Thank you for the rain! Thank you for the rain! 
A blessing of God's love.
The rain! The rain!
Thank you for the rain! 
The rain! The rain!
Thank God for the rain!

Jesus called them one by one,
Peter, Andrew, James, and John,
Next came Philip, Thomas, too,
Matthew and Bartholomew.

James, the one they called the Less,
Simon, also Thaddeus,
Twelve apostles Judas made,
Jesus was by him betrayed.

Matthias then took Judas' place,
To preach to men of every race,
Paul three preaching trips did make,
And went to Rome for Jesus' sake.

Yes, Jesus called them,
Yes, Jesus, called them,
Yes, Jesus called them,
And they all followed Him.

ACTS 8:4
Therefore they that were scattered abroad
Went everywhere preaching the Word.