Special Articles

Friday, February 28, 2014

Visual Aids - #3 Flannelgraph

If you were curious when you were young, perhaps you discovered that certain types of fabric would "stick" to itself. Not every type of material would stay in place, but two types of cloth definitely would:  flannel and felt.  Both fabrics have a rough texture and will temporarily stick to the same kind of fabric. For example, flannel will attach itself to flannel as felt will fasten to felt. This is the idea behind flannel or felt storyboards.  By cutting small pieces of fabric into shapes and placing them upon a board covered with the same material in that they can be used to tell a Bible lesson. Personally, I prefer using felt fabric rather than flannel due to the lower cost, but both materials are recommended for this type of visual aid.

Flannelgraph is a unique type of visual aid that has many strengths. It is something different than chalking on a chalkboard or drawing on paper, therefore, it holds the interest of young children. Once you create a flannel or felt story, it will be many years before it ages.  It is extremely versatile, only being hindered by your imagination.

It is easy to plan a lesson by using this method of storytelling: First, read the verses from the Bible, noting objects that you may be able to cut out of fabric.  Cut out the chosen shapes from the fabric.  Next, you need a board. Flannelboards may be purchased at school supply stores or it is relatively easy to make a board.  Simply find a piece of cardboard large enough for your story.  I have used a 30" x 30" board which was large enough for all to see in the class.  Place a piece of your chosen type of fabric that is four inches larger all around than your board on a large table with the piece of cardboard on top of the material. Fold each end as you would a package and tape with a strong tape like book tape or duct tape. Continue folding and taping until all four ends are covered. Now that you have a board and your cut-out shapes, practice telling the story as you place the shapes on your board. Practice until you can easily tell the story.

Some Bible teachers have access to cutting systems called Ellison Die Cuts or Accucut.  Both systems are not inexpensive, and you can save a lot of money by cutting everything yourself. This type of visual aid takes advanced planning, but I do hope you find it useful as I do.  It is nice to have a variety of visual aids.  The children will be encouraged, and so will you!  Try it!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Songs We Sing In Bible Class - #2

How many children's Bible songs do you know?  Can you list a few? How about childhood favorites such as "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves The Little Children," "The Bible, The Bible," or "The B-I-B-L-E?" Before beginning a lesson, we should be prepared to sing at least two or three songs.  Because some in this audience may be new teachers or older teachers who have forgotten the words, I am sharing the lyrics to these old favorites because I believe that this is a good foundation that can be built upon.  (Just click on the orange arrow below for the tune!) 

Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so,
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so!

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Brown, red, and yellow, black, and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus died for all the people,
All the people of the world,
Brown, red, and yellow, black, and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus died for all the people of the world.

Jesus rose for all the people,
All the people of the world,
Brown, red, and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus rose for all the people of the world!

The Bible, the Bible,
I love the Bible!
It is God's Word!

I won't color it,
I won't color it,
It is God's Word!

I won't cut it,
I won't cut it,
It is God's Word!

I won't tear it,
I won't tear it,
It is God's Word!

I won't throw it,
I won't throw it,
It is God's Word!

I will read it,
I will read it,
It is God's Word!

The Bible, the Bible,
I love the Bible!
It is God's Word!

The B-I-B-L-E!
Yes, that's the book for me!
I stand alone on the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Visual Aids - #2 Drawing

Imagine this:  An uneasy Bible teacher is drawing a picture on the chalkboard. She has never claimed to be an artist; in fact, she is definitely not an artist, yet she continues drawing.  The children watch her draw.  When she is finished, the teacher says, "This is a horse." That is when something wonderful happens! The children believe. They never question. They accept. That is when another wonderful thing happens:  The teacher becomes more confident.  

This teacher could be you!  Marking with dry erase markers on a whiteboard, chalking with colored chalk on a chalkboard, or drawing with crayons on a large piece of paper are all examples of visual aids and you are the artist, perhaps with simple abilities, but an artist just the same. Never let your lack of confidence keep you from trying to help the children visualize a Bible lesson!  The children will always be on your side!  God is on your side!  (Ps. 118:6;  Rom. 8:31)  YOU should be on your side, too!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Songs We Sing In Bible Class #1

Earlier on this site, the subject of singing was addressed (listed under "Bible Class Schedule - Singing #5") and the idea of making up your own songs was mentioned.  I would like to revisit this topic and encourage all to think of a simple child's tune without the original words and write new words to the music.  There are many tunes, "Skip To My Lou," "London Bridge Is Falling Down," "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," to which you could customize a song to fit the lesson you plan on teaching.  Children would not need to memorize a new tune and new words, only the new words.  Half of your work is already done!

Bear in mind, the only true criteria is that the song must be biblical. (1 Cor. 14:15;  Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Jas. 5:13)  In public school or driving somewhere in the car, it would not matter if the song was biblical, but in Bible school, all songs must have Bible truths.  

Try it! For example, the words could help a child remember the days of creation in order or perhaps learn the names of the sons of Jacob or maybe you could choose a verse in the Bible and see if the tune fits with those words.  Many years ago when my children were younger, we studied the topic of singing in a Bible class and did this exact same exercise:  Insert a Bible verse into a familiar tune.  They still remember some of the songs they composed!  

I will offer you an example of a song that I wrote in Salinas, California in the 1980's, and I still use this song to begin many Bible classes.  Maybe you will find it helpful, too.  (Just click on the orange arrow below for the tune!)  I'll be adding more songs from time to time.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Visual Aids - #1 TV Box

By the Lord using visual aids when He talked through Jeremiah to His people, we know that visual aids were beneficial by the examples that were used in this Old Testament book. (Jer. 18, 19)  We can say that we definitely have book, chapter, and verse for using visual aids in the Bible classroom! 

Visual aids are items that illustrate the Bible lessons.  Maps are a visual aid.  By pointing out cities, towns, and bodies of water on a map, we can compare the distances between each.  If we drew a simple line 9 ½ feet high on the classroom wall representing how tall Goliath was (1 Samuel 17:4), that line would be a visual aid. 

The variety of visual aids is without number!  Charts, posters, flowers, a shoe, a candle are all examples of visual aids. The greater the number, the better!  Children grow accustomed to one or two types of repeated visual aids.  Soon, we will be talking more specifically about how visual aids will help you illustrate the Bible lessons. 

I’d like to share my most favorite visual aid with you.  It is a TV box!  It consists of a cardboard box and two gift-wrapping tubes.  You will also need a long strip of paper that fits through the box, scissors, and tape.  Here are the simple instructions:
1.  Open up a cardboard box, usually about 14 inches square, and cut off the flaps of one end of the box; this is the back of the TV. 
2.  Turning the box over, cut an 11-inch square out of the front of the TV to make the TV screen.
3.  Cut two circles on each side of the box, one circle on top and one on the bottom of each side, cutting close to the TV screen. 
4.  Slide one paper tube into the two top circles.
5.  Slide the other paper tube through the bottom two circles. 
6.  Draw pictures depicting scenes from the Bible lesson on a fairly long 12-inch wide strip of paper. The length of the paper will depend on how many pictures you have drawn.
7.  Thread and tape one end of the paper to the top tube on the inside of the TV.
8.  Now, tape the end of the paper to the bottom tube inside the TV.
9.  By holding the outside of one of the tubes, try scrolling the paper, looking on the outside of the TV screen to see if the pictures are lined up nicely.
10. Note:  Do not bother to laminate the paper; the lamination makes the paper too thick to scroll easily.
11.Congratulations!  You have created a fairly easy and very inexpensive visual aid!

I have used this type of visual aid for many years much to the delight of young Bible students. The most significant reason that I enjoy using this visual aid:  It keeps the lesson on track.  It holds the students’ attention and it helps them remember the Bible lesson longer than without a visual aid.  A TV Box definitely appeals to the young Bible student.

A few more important reasons that I enjoy using the TV box is that I can draw the pictures of the lesson at my convenience, the pictures are drawn so that I don’t forget an important point, and I also have control of how quickly or slowly I tell the lesson. The box that is pictured on this blog is made out of wood and was given to me by a friend who just happened to be a woodshop teacher.  It is nice to have talented friends! The wooden box definitely will last much longer than a cardboard one will, but when the cardboard box wears out, just make a new one!

Try out this idea and see if you enjoy it as much as I do!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Classroom Enhancement - The Walls - Border

Decorating your Bible classroom can be enjoyable, but a higher priority is to make sure your room is Bible-oriented.  It is the Bible lessons that are important. (1 Pet. 4:11) The only truly necessary ingredients for a great Bible study are a dedicated, knowledgeable Bible teacher, a student who wants to learn, and the Bible.  The ideas that are presented here on these “Classroom Enhancement” blogs are only suggestions to help make your Bible classroom the best it can be and are entirely optional.

Sometimes it is the small, trivial things that make the bigger picture look better!  Such is the case with bulletin board border.  Border is intended to cover and hide the rough edges of butcher paper or fadeless paper on a wall or bulletin board.  It polishes whatever is put on the wall, grouping the visual aids, like-items, or charts in a designated area, so that it gives the wall a professional look.

Bulletin board border can be purchased at a school supply store or sometimes an office supply store.  By buying border that is already cut, colored, and laminated, it is easy, fast, and convenient.  However, like all things in life, the easier, quicker, and more convenient usually have a higher price tag; it is no different with border.

Perhaps you would like to choose to create your own border and save a little money.  Any type of construction paper, gift-wrapping paper, fabric, or poster board may be used as a border by simply cutting the paper into strips and then stapling the strips around the intended bulletin board or wall.  When border is created like this, there are many choices from which to choose, and it can be customized to the theme of the lessons.  For example, if you are creating a Creation bulletin board (Gen. 1), you might cut strips of black paper for border and add small pictures of the sun, clouds, fish, trees, etc. on top of the strips to create your own customized border.  The effect of a customized border can be stunning! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Classroom Enhancement - The Walls - Paper

Believing that everything in a Bible classroom should be there for a reason, take another look at your classroom walls.  We have already addressed the fact that the environment should be clutter-free and clean; so now that you are standing in the middle of your room, think about how this classroom can help you in your Bible teaching efforts.  How can you create an environment in this room to instill a desire in your students to want to come and learn more from God’s Word?  Here are a few ideas that perhaps you can alter here and there to help make your room one in which children are always eager to return.  (Ps. 122:1) 

To paper or not to paper?  Did you know that there are two types of paper available to cover your walls?  Both types, butcher paper and fadeless art paper, can improve the decorative quality of your walls.  Is this required to teach young children the Bible?  No, definitely not, but it can create interest and curiosity which will only help reinforce Bible lessons. 

Butcher paper is ideal if you plan on changing your themes often.  It is relatively inexpensive, comes in a variety of colors and can be flameproof if that is required in your local fire district.  The main drawback to this type of paper is that it does fade, sometimes quicker than you would like.  Fadeless art paper is just that—fade less.  It will fade in time, but it can last up to three years on your walls. It is a bit more expensive than butcher paper.  If you opt to change the fadeless paper often, it is most likely due to the fact that you have grown tired of the colors, so you might choose your colors wisely.  It is helpful if the colors are able to transcend themes.

Are there alternatives to paper?  Some teachers do not like to staple paper on their walls and they are content with painted walls.  Others decide that fabric is a covering that will last a long time.  Some will make small, assorted bulletin boards around the room; some will cover the entire four walls.  Whatever avenue you choose as a backdrop for Bible lessons, try to make it cheery and inviting!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Extra Helps - Memory Verses, Bookmarks, And Letters

There are a few “extras” that I have not mentioned in past blogs that I find useful in the Bible classroom, and I believe that you, too, could find them useful for Bible learning.   Memory Verses!  How wonderful it is when a young child can quote a verse by heart from the Bible.  By doing so, one knows that the child has been encouraged somewhere along the way, and that the child has a desire to learn.   Is there something better in this world to memorize than God’s Word? (John 12:48; Heb. 13:8) I like to record this growth by recording the verses learned on a chart.  Everyone who comes into the room knows that the Bible is being taught in your classroom by the charts displayed and, better yet, know that children are learning!  The verses do not need to be lengthy.  A short verse or even part of a verse that applies to your lesson is appropriate.  (Ps. 119:11)
Another helpful idea is to use bookmarks.  I buy my bookmarks online because they are inexpensive and come right to my mailbox.  I prefer Learning Bookmarks rather than only cute ones.  Cute bookmarks can be earned in public school, but Learning Bookmarks are given freely at Bible school.  “The Books of the Bible” is a good example of a Learning Bookmark.  The bookmark can stay in the child’s Bible and is able to mark the lesson selection each week.  Bookmarks are very helpful to students who are learning to read or who are new to studying the Bible and may be having trouble finding the books in the Bible. Another idea is to direct your students to write a Bible verse (such as 2 Tim. 2:15) on a strip of thick index paper and have it laminated for durability. This, also, will work well.
A delightful tool in encouraging young students is writing letters to them and mailing them through the postal service.  In a time when everything is emailed or sent home with the student, it is refreshing to use this avenue of communication.  It is highly effective and pleasing to the student as well.  At the beginning of each term, I write a letter to the parents, thanking them for giving me the opportunity of studying the Bible with their child.  I talk about a few highlights of the weeks to come and encourage the parents to review the lessons with their child each time they come home from Bible Class.  It is amazing how far a few kind words can go!  (Eph. 4:32) Write as you would speak to the child’s parents, reassuring them that you will do your very best to teach God’s Word simply and truthfully.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #8 Encouragement

After the activity is completed, encourage the students to clean up, put on their coats and sweaters, retrieve their Bibles, and get ready to leave the classroom. If there is time, ask a few questions about the lesson to keep the important points fresh in their minds.  Encourage them to come back the next week.

As you send these precious ones back out into the world, think back upon the class.  How did it go today?  What went well?  How could you improve?  Remember to pray, thanking God for sending these little ones to you to teach and asking Him to bring them back again!  (Matthew. 21:22; 1 John. 5:14) 

You have done well!  Just think!  What is the very best part?  You get to do it again next week!  Pray for an opportunity and God will provide.  (Luke. 11:9, 10)

Bible Class Schedule - #7 The Activity

Ask any child, “What did you learn in Bible class today?” and you will receive many unpredictable answers!  Some may say exactly what you intended for them to learn, some may say something totally out of the ordinary, and some may hang their head and hide behind the chair!  There is a definite need to direct the children’s thoughts towards the end of the class to remind them what they have learned.  Parents, also, need to know how their child spent the hour, what portion of the Bible was studied that particular week, and how they can review the lesson with their children during the coming week.  (Ephesians. 6:4)

One way of helping both child and parent communicate is by creating a simple project or activity to reinforce the day’s lesson.  Some Bible teachers will provide a coloring page for the children to color every week.  Coloring can be appealing to the students, and it can furnish the students with a means in communicating the necessary Bible passages to the parents, however, I have found that there are many other, sometimes better ways in creating projects that are inexpensive, diversified, and memorable.  Some children grow tired of one type of activity week after week; diversity will help hold interest. 

Please note that while an activity or project is beneficial, the “Main Event” should always be the Bible lesson.  (2 Timothy. 3:16, 17)  An activity or project only reinforces what has been taught and should only take ten to twelve minutes. Many activities and/or projects will be presented on this site that will help you as the Bible teacher furnish interesting, engaging and captivating material for your Bible students.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #6 The Lesson

Whether the children are able to read or not, write the lesson’s main verse(s) on the board and say the verses together.  Children learn by seeing and saying.  For example, by writing Genesis 1:1 on the board, the students will learn how to read the book (Genesis), chapter (1), and verse (1).  You are making a great impression upon them with this simple act.
Using their Bibles, the students can open up to the week’s lesson with or without help, depending on their age.  At times it may seem that this a lot of trouble, but by placing a marker in the student’s Bible, marking that week’s lesson, you are emphasizing that the lesson is from God’s Word and you can explain that anyone can read the same story that you are studying in class “right here” in the Bible.   While the students are finding the verses in their Bibles, this is the perfect opportunity to review a few repetitious questions, such as, “Does anyone know the two main divisions in the Bible?” (Old and New Testament)  “How many books are in the New Testament?”  (27)  “How many in the Old Testament?”  (39)  “If our lesson today is in Jonah, is that in the Old or New Testament?” (Old)  By asking these questions, you are reinforcing information that the students can use their entire lives, and you are applying that knowledge at the same time.  Don’t be surprised!  Four- and five-year-old students can learn these answers as well as the older ones!
Then, for the next few minutes, you teach the lesson.  This is the reason you are in this classroom:  To teach God’s Word in simple language, bringing to life the words that you have diligently studied from the Bible.  A diligent study has been mentioned in the post, “Preparing for Bible Class” under the “Older Posts” at the bottom of this blog.  Are you prepared to teach this lesson to young, tender hearts who take your word as Truth?  (Matthew. 19:14; James. 3:1)  What a responsibility we have in teaching God’s Word!  Always make certain you can prove what you are teaching with book, chapter, and verse!
As you teach, look into the children’s faces.  Are they interested?  Are they listening?  This is your answer to the questions, “Am I doing a good job?” and  “Have I studied enough?”  If you know the lesson well, you will be able to make any Bible story come to life…and the students will listen and learn.  Visual aids will help, of course, but nothing will take the place of good, solid Bible lessons told by someone who believes the story and can tell the lesson simply.  Can you do this?  Yes, you can!  Determination, study, a love of children, a love of God’s Word, and prayer will help you.  You are needed!  Do the very best you can and you will be rewarded many times over—here on this earth and in your future home, Heaven. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #5 Singing

Children LOVE to sing!  Happily, they learn through their songs.  There are many favorite Bible songs that teach Bible truths that could be sung every week because children, especially young children, love repetition. Perhaps a few of these weekly songs could include ones that promote memory work.  Are you able to write songs of your own that can reinforce that day's lesson?  It is nice to make up new words to familiar tunes.  Try it!  See if you can add to your talents!

During this short 5-minute period of singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16), it is helpful to encourage songs that support the lesson or at least save the last song to lead into the Bible lesson.  You will be able to find original songs on this blog in the future as well as old childhood favorites.   

*Special Note:  Are you a mother, grandmother, or aunt?  What opportunities you have to teach your children!  While you are washing dishes or folding clothes, sing to your small ones!  Listen to them as they learn the words and join in with you...or even better, listen when they sing the songs you have taught them!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bible Class Schedule -#4 Prayer

It is a good habit to begin your class with a prayer.  In time, this will signal to all who are in the class that Bible class has officially begun.  All should be sitting quietly in their seats or, if the teacher prefers, in a semi-circle on the carpet and ready to pray.  In younger classes, I usually lead the prayer, mentioning many things that we will be learning and are thankful for in that morning’s Bible class, subtly introducing the lesson before it has actually been taught.  Using simple language, a minute-long prayer is sufficient.

There is nothing wrong in teaching the children to fold their hands together, close their eyes, and bow their heads.  Certainly, it will keep the students focused on the words of the prayer and, also, teach them how to behave in worship.  "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  (Prov. 22:6) 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #3 Attendance

We will discuss different methods and ways of keeping an attendance record in a later blog, however, it is a good practice to always have some way to display the students’ attendance.  By acknowledging their presence every week on a small bulletin board or area, the teacher, the students and their parents can see at a glance how often the children are attending.  It is an uncomplicated technique, yet all will be encouraged and proud of their simple deed of attending class. 

I, personally, have found it helpful to include areas on the same attendance chart or a separate chart to record the times that the student brings their Bible to class, as well as keeping track of how many books of the Bible the student is able to recite from memory.  It only takes a minute or two, but I have seen a great deal of good come from this simple task.  (Hebrews 10:24, 25)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #2 Greeting

Have you ever been warmly greeted by someone who you felt was truly glad to see you?  Could you feel their sincerity?  That kind of warm greeting should be the goal of the Bible teacher!  No one should be happier to see a Bible student coming to study the Bible than a Bible teacher!  Show them how happy you are by giving them a few moments of personal attention in this short allotment of time of approximately five minutes.

Remember that most children will reflect the tone that you have set for your classroom.  If you are genuinely happy to see your students, they will most often be happy to see you, too.  Tell them that you are glad that they have chosen to learn about God by coming to Bible class on that particular day.  Ask them if they have brought their Bible to class.  Again, reinforce the feeling of approval by smiling and praising them for their good memories.

During this time, let the students put their coats or sweaters on the back of their chairs, so that they are comfortable when they learn.  Their Bibles may be placed on the table in front of them, showing their pride in God’s
Word.  Now, they are ready to learn!  (Psalms 119:18, 105)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #1 Overview

In what areas of life do we not have a schedule?  There are work schedules, sleep schedules, schedules for eating, cleaning, changing the car’s oil, cutting our hair, marketing, and many other types of schedules.  The Bible class is no different.  Everything works better, easier, and smoother when there is a plan or a schedule!  Listed below is a typical schedule for a Bible class.  Perhaps you can modify it in some way to make it your own. Times are, of course, approximate.

  1. Greeting           (5 minutes)
  2. Attendance      (3 minutes)
  3. Prayer               (2 minutes)
  4. Songs               (5 minutes)
  5. Lesson             (20 minutes)
  6. Activity             (12 minutes)
  7. Encouragement   (3 minutes)
Over the next few days, we will be discussing each one of these areas, giving details on how to make your Bible class one of your best experiences!  (Rom. 11:33)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Setting Up A Bible Classroom - Part 2

Using A Room To Help You Teach

The learning environment makes such a difference in how well students stay focused! Can you imagine the difference in studying in a dark, cluttered, dust-covered classroom and a bright, organized, clean classroom?  Of course, you can!  Take a detached look around the room in which you are to study.  Is it dirt-free?  How long has it been since everything had a good cleaning?  Before you begin your class, make certain that you have swept or vacuumed, dusted all the cupboards, washed the table, chairs and curtains and even washed down the walls if it is needed.  It is amazing how a clean classroom will make you and your students feel like learning!

Next, how about organization?  Do you have too much furniture in a small room?  Downsize!  Take a look in the cupboards.  Are they organized, so that at a moment’s notice, you can reach in and retrieve a needed item without rummaging?  Look at the walls.  Cover any ‘bad” places with butcher paper and border.  Where is the clock?  Can you see it from where you stand or sit when you are teaching?  How about the children’s table?  Is it situated in a way that is helpful for learning?  Are the children able to see the maps, chalkboard, or visual aid?  It is helpful to have room to walk freely around the table, especially with small children.  Are there enough chairs or benches for every child to have a place to sit?  Is there an adult chair for you? 

These questions may seem trivial, but they are truly beneficial thoughts in order to plan a smooth, successful Bible study. (1 Cor. 14:40).  Plan for success!  (Prov. 29:18)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Setting Up a Bible Classroom - Part 1

Helpful Items For A Bible Classroom

Yes, it is true.  Prior to the 1960’s, Bible teachers were unique.  Without modern technology, magic markers, or Ellison die-cuts, teachers of children’s Bible classes created their own Bible class material, held the attention of small, assorted children for at least an hour, and they did their job well!  The children learned and remembered the lessons for many, many years with the help of these dedicated, Bible-filled men and women.  May we be so motivated!

Appreciating those simple times in the past, just think of what we can accomplish with everything we have available to us now!  Over the years, I have found the items listed below helpful in Bible classes.  Are all these items required in order to teach the Bible?  Definitely not, but they are absolutely helpful.  Perhaps you will find this list beneficial as well.

*Bibles for all students                         *White board
*White bond paper                               *White board markers
*Crayons                                               *Eraser
*Pencils with erasers                           *Book tape
*Construction paper                             *Scotch tape
*Scissors-teacher/students                 *Stapler
*Glue sticks                                           *Staples
*Elmer’s All Purpose glue                    *Round fasteners
*White chalk                                          *Colored chalk
*Colored butcher paper                        *Bulletin board borders
*Attendance charts                               *Maps
*Songbooks                                          *Table
*Chairs                                                  *Bookshelf
*Small cupboard with doors                 *Chalkboard
*Heater/Fan (if needed)                       *Clock
*Yardstick                                             *Stickers

Monday, February 10, 2014

Preparing For Bible Class

Truly, it is a noble deed to look into the God's Word with the intent of sharing the Good News with others (Acts 17:11). If you find that you have decided to teach a Bible lesson, you might have, also, found yourself asking, "What should I do first?"  Feeling, perhaps, a little overwhelmed with the task at hand, the first thing to do is pray!  All faithful Old Testament and New Testament servants of God remembered from whom they received their strength and that was from God. (Ex. 15:1, 2; Jud. 16:28; 2 Sam. 22:1, 33)  You, too, can receive that strength. (Ps. 46:1; Phil. 4:6; Jas. 5:16)  Pray!  Pray when you are successful and pray when you are not. (1 Thess. 5:17)

Next, how well do you know the material that you are about to teach?  Have you studied diligently, well enough to explain the lesson to children?  (2 Tim. 2:15)  How can you teach something that you know little about?  Put time and effort into study!

While there are many 'helps' around (blogs such as this one, purchased lesson material, and books of man), did you open your Bible first?  There is no substitute for God's Word.  God's Word is what will judge us--and the children in our care--on that Last Great Day. (Jn. 12:48) 
The Bible is our authority for everything we teach!  (2 Tim. 3:16, 17)

Are you committed to this task?  You may not love teaching 52 weeks a year, but for the time you have agreed to teach, you must be committed to doing the very best that you can. (Ecc. 9:10)  While enthusiasm is a good thing, make certain the knowledge is there, too. (Rom. 10:1-3)  When our hearts and minds are committed to God's work, what can stop us?  (Neh. 4:6)

Finally, read the lesson...study the lesson...know the lesson...then teach the lesson to the very best of your ability!  Not only will the children learn, but you will, too!  God will bless you for your good efforts!

If We Don't Teach Them, Who Will?

What a responsibility we have as Christian women—whether we are mothers, grandmothers, aunts, neighbors, or Bible teachers—to teach our children the Bible!  Some of us are natural-born Bible teachers…and, unfortunately, some of us are not.  What shall we teach?  How shall we teach?  More importantly, if we don’t teach them, who will?  (1 Timothy 1:5)

The few words on this page are intended to act as a help and an encouragement to all those who have influence over children in the home or in the Bible class.  An accumulation of teaching methods, ideas, songs, and activities is offered to you in hopes that we may teach our children the Bible…and the Bible only.  Always striving to teach them God’s Word in a simple and forthright manner, may they remember these lessons for a lifetime!