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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bible Class Schedule - #7 The Activity

Ask any child, “What did you learn in Bible class today?” and you will receive many unpredictable answers!  Some may say exactly what you intended for them to learn, some may say something totally out of the ordinary, and some may hang their head and hide behind the chair!  There is a definite need to direct the children’s thoughts towards the end of the class to remind them what they have learned.  Parents, also, need to know how their child spent the hour, what portion of the Bible was studied that particular week, and how they can review the lesson with their children during the coming week.  (Ephesians. 6:4)

One way of helping both child and parent communicate is by creating a simple project or activity to reinforce the day’s lesson.  Some Bible teachers will provide a coloring page for the children to color every week.  Coloring can be appealing to the students, and it can furnish the students with a means in communicating the necessary Bible passages to the parents, however, I have found that there are many other, sometimes better ways in creating projects that are inexpensive, diversified, and memorable.  Some children grow tired of one type of activity week after week; diversity will help hold interest. 

Please note that while an activity or project is beneficial, the “Main Event” should always be the Bible lesson.  (2 Timothy. 3:16, 17)  An activity or project only reinforces what has been taught and should only take ten to twelve minutes. Many activities and/or projects will be presented on this site that will help you as the Bible teacher furnish interesting, engaging and captivating material for your Bible students.