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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lesson - Review of Moses' Life

"Moses" Memory Cards

In review, look back on the last 44 lessons on Moses' life (in the Bible or on this blog) and choose a good number of questions. I like to type the questions and the answers, so that the students have more time to review the questions before they leave class, but the students may write the questions and answers by hand, if the Bible teacher chooses.

Materials Needed:   3" x 5" index cards or small rectangles of paper (probably 20  or so for each student), library pocket for each student (may be purchased at a school supply store or stationary store), glue, scissors, marker or crayons.
  1. Pass out sheets of typed questions and answers to each student.
  2. Cut question and answer out.
  3. Glue question on card.
  4. Turn card over.
  5. Glue answer on back of card.
  6. Repeat.
  7. Write "Moses" on the front of the library pocket.
  8. Place all cards in a library pocket for easy carrying!
Examples Of Questions:
  1. Who named Moses?  Pharaoh's daughter
  2. Who watched baby Moses from afar? Miriam
  3. Who was Moses' brother? Aaron
  4. Why did Moses have to run away from Egypt? He killed an Egyptian
  5. Who talked to Moses from the burning bush? God
  6. Who helped Moses talk to Pharaoh? Aaron (and God)
  7. What was the first plague? Water turned to blood
  8. What was the second plague? Frogs
  9. What was the third plague?  Lice
  10. What was the fourth plague? Flies
  11. What was the fifth plague? Murrain
  12. What was the sixth plague?  Boils
  13. What was the seventh plague? Hail
  14. What was the eighth plague? Locust
  15. What was the ninth plague? Darkness
  16. What was the tenth plague? Death of the first born
  17. How did Moses and over 600,000 Israelites cross the Red Sea?  They walked on dry ground after Moses raised his rod over the sea.
  18. How did the people know where to go in the wilderness? God led them by a cloud in the day and a pillar of fire at night.
  19. What did the Israelites eat in the wilderness? Quail and Manna
  20. What happened to the first tablets of stone? Moses broke them when he was the people worshiping the golden calf.
  21. Why did the people NOT go into the Promised Land? Because of their unbelief
  22. What happened to Korah? He was swallowed up in the earth because he rebelled.
  23. When the people complained in the wilderness, what bit them? Fiery serpents
  24. What was Moses sin? He hit the rock twice and did not give God the glory for the water.
  25. Where was Moses when he got to see the Promised Land? On the top of Mt. Nebo at Pisgah.