Special Articles

Friday, October 10, 2014

Extra Helps #9 - "Books To Remember" Idea

I thank the Lord every day for this new avenue of communication called 'blogging.' By typing a few words, it can reach a great number of people in an instant! My daily prayer is that it is helping you in some way. Thank you for reading and sharing with your students.

I believe the only aspect of blogging that I would change would be the fact that the old blogs are "way down there" at the bottom of the list. Hopefully the Search Box is helping you find the lessons that you need.

Eight months ago, we began teaching our students the Books of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and adding a book as we taught. We have just finished our second time through the Old Testament and now will begin our second time through the New Testament. How are your students doing? Over the process of time, all students can learn these books. Yes, some are difficult to pronounce, but it can and has been done many times! 

What are some 'helps' that we can put into the hands of our students to help them learn? Besides singing "The Books Of The Old Testament"and "The Books Of The New Testament" (see March - Songs We Sing In Bible Class #3, we have already mentioned that charts can help. Making a special column on an Attendance Chart (see March - Attendance Charts on this blog) can be a great visual as to how many students know how many books. 

Perhaps covering a small area of the wall with butcher paper, attaching a 9" x 12" piece of construction paper for each child with their name at the top, and adding a Bible sticker each time they can add a book would work for your class. Can you imagine 66 stickers on each construction paper for each child in your class?! That's a very visual Visual Aid!!

Or perhaps your students need something to take home and practice. We know that there is a list of Bible books in each Bible, usually on one of the first few pages, but somehow it is easier for young ones to 'do' and remember than reading a list. Here is one idea:


Materials Needed:  3" x 5" colored index cards, marker, hole punch (optional drill press),1" book ring (found at school supply stores or arts and craft stores), pushpins, scissors and glue.
  1. In advance, the Bible teacher will choose to either have the students write each Bible book on an index card (this works well for older students who can write fairly quickly), or the teacher will have the Bible books typed on a white paper and the students cut out each book and glue to a card (a little easier for the younger ones).
  2. Choose how many Bible books will be worked on in the allotted time--too many books in a day can be frustrating for the child.
  3. Have supplies ready for the best use of time.
  4. Students write one book on each card or cut out one typed book and glue a word on each card.
  5. Students punch a hole in the corner of each card. If you have access to a drill press, the Bible teacher may drill each unopened package of index cards with a hole in one corner ahead of time.
  6. Students 'ring' the cards IN ORDER on the book ring.
  7. The Bible teacher may choose to display the ringed cards in a papered wall area on a pushpin, adding a few cards each time the students meet, or may send the ringed books home to practice. It may be difficult for the students to remember to bring the ringed cards back to Bible class each time, so it may be more helpful to keep the ringed cards in class for a while before the students take them home. 
  8. In the end when all of the cards are finished and the Bible teacher has checked the cards for accuracy, send the ringed cards home with the student.
Children are amazing learners! Give them a little encouragement, a little motivation, a little time, and just watch them learn! May they be OUR example!